🎓 Introducing The Collective Academy!

🎓 Introducing The Collective Academy! Are you an aspiring product professional like Joseph, looking to improve your skills without breaking the bank? Our academy brings together experienced professionals like Diarmuid, a Senior Product Designer with over 20 years of industry experience, who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with aspiring designers like you. Join our unique workshops, webinars, and masterclasses, led by qualified instructors at affordable, crowdsourced prices. With our crowdsourcing pricing model, you pay what you can afford at the end of the session, just like Joseph did when he attended the "Crafting Design Principles" workshop. Not only do you get to enhance your skills, but you also contribute to a cause you care about by voting for it and rating the event.

Plus, one-third of the workshop proceeds are donated to support the cause that receives the most votes. Our grassroots educational academy aims to grow product people into better thinkers, makers, and leaders. Join us to become part of a community that champions your growth and seeks to make a meaningful impact on the world.

And now to the Call to Action - sign up for the first event by choosing a topic, and providing your name, and contact information via this form.

Happy learning!

Disclaimer: any resemblances or names used in this post, whether dead, alive, or fictional, are purely coincidental.